Remembering the bravery of PC Keith Palmer

POLICE officers from across London, the UK and the whole world paid their respects at the funeral of PC Keith Palmer.

Officers lined the route as his coffin made its way from Westminster to Southwark Cathedral. There a 75 minute funeral service took place – attended by Home Secretary Amber Rudd, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow and new Met Commissioner Cressida Dick.

Also present were officers from across the UK, including South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne.

She said: “I feel very honoured to have been able to pay our respects to PC Keith Palmer today.

“The eulogy which was read out, described what an outstanding individual he was. A life cut short in such a vicious and cruel attack, it’s too tragic for words. Bless your heart Keith, you will never be forgotten.”

During the service, which the family requested was not screened, PC Palmer was remembered for his excellent police work. And how on 22 March this year, he bravely ran towards danger when others might run away.

At 2 pm, officers across the UK held a 2 minute silence for PC Palmer.

His name name was also added to the National Police Memorial in London today, alongside PC Gareth Browning of Thames Valley Police, who died last week from injuries sustained on duty in 2013.