Stop pussyfooting around on Taser, conference hears

CHIEF officers have been told to “stop pussyfooting around” and increase the number of Tasers available to police officers.

Nigel Goodband, Chairman of the British Transport Police Federation, made the plea at the body’s Annual Conference in Cardiff. He told delegates, Chief Officers and Transport Minister Chris Grayling: “More officers carrying Taser will reduce injury, but all we see is too much hand wringing. Taser is not a lethal weapon. It is a proven defensive asset.”

Data from the 43 Home Office Forces and BTP shows “overwhelmingly that officers who carry Taser are much less likely to be assaulted”, said Mr Goodband (pictured).

He added: “The simple presence of Taser is sufficient to quell most violence. Many may be surprised to learn that Taser is still rarely used. The threat of Taser is usually enough to prevent injury to both the public and the police.

“It is in the interests of the Government, the BTP and most of all the fare-paying public, that we all work together to reduce violence, reduce assaults and reduce injuries. Fewer injuries means less sickness and that equates to more officers being there to protect the public.”

Too many officers are being punched, spat at, bitten and attacked with knives, machetes and guns, he added. Mr Goodband called for the minister to “protect the protectors” – adding that a police officer is assaulted every four minutes in the UK.

Greater use of body-worn cameras would also provide more protection for officers, the conference heard.

Mr Goodband told Chief Constable Paul Crowther: “We are very grateful to you for already agreeing to the use of spit guards. Their availability will greatly help. Please let us now look at body cams. They provide best evidence. They act as a deterrent. They protect officers from malicious complaints and they offer public reassurance.

“You must provide better protection for the officers you employ so they can better protect the public they serve. Quite simply, officers need personal protective equipment that will quickly end violent confrontations; something that will cause even the most hardened offender to think twice; something that has a proven track record of preventing an escalation of violence.”