‘IPCC needs to take a more pragmatic view of cases’

THE Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is being challenged over investigation delays, poor practice and mistreatment of officers that leaves members feeling short-changed and aggrieved by the organisation.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is pushing for reform from the IPCC and solutions to the range of issues that have been dogging police officers since its inception.

Phill Matthews, the PFEW’s conduct and performance lead, said: “We know from speaking to members that IPCC investigations frequently take a heavy toll on officers and their families over unacceptably long investigations or investigations that should not have even been brought.

“Since it was set up 13 years ago, the IPCC has put officers under appalling pressure, and in some cases they have been driven to quit the job. There are some pockets of good practice in the IPCC, but whenever we try and engage to help improve and spread that good practice, progress is glacial. We keep being told that the IPCC is reforming and things are going to improve but we’ve yet to see the evidence. We have met with the national executive of the IPCC several times and are yet to see any progress regarding our concerns.

“It is unacceptable that officers are being pulled from pillar to post, having to do more with less because of austerity measures, not to mention the added stresses that in itself entails. The IPCC needs to take a more pragmatic and cost effective view of cases it decides to proceed with.”

See more here http://polfed.org/newsroom/4199.aspx