Advanced Constables: Pay officers for their work

POLICE officers who take on extra work and responsibility should be paid adequately for doing so, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair, was speaking after South Yorkshire introduced the advanced practitioner constable scheme. Under a national pilot, the force is one of eight that has introduced the new role for constables which will see them carrying out more complex work – which is more akin to a Sergeant – without receiving an uplift in their salary.

Officers involved will be expected to lead complex casework, assess how procedures can be developed and improved, and think and plan ahead. The 18-month trial will provide “lateral career opportunities” for constables, the College of Policing said.

Ms Payne said: “I have no doubt that there will be those officers within South Yorkshire Police who are willing to take on the extra responsibility that the pilot would bring with it, because they may be seeking promotion within the organisation or some lateral move to a specialist department, so what this scheme would facilitate is the evidence-gathering that is required by officers.

“However, as a Federation we are always keen to ensure that where extra work is carried out then people are rewarded appropriately.”

Other questions surround the role, which an estimated six officers are taking on, Ms Payne added.

“How do you make sure that the process for selection is fair and transparent when trying to identify which officers will carry out the role? We don’t want it to become divisive, so how are they making sure the right people are chosen for the right job?

“And officers who want to apply for the post have to be alive to the fact that it won’t attract any extra pay. We would always maintain that where there’s additional work and additional responsibility then they’re in receipt of it. However the scheme doesn’t allow for that at this moment in time. The Federation’s stance is always that if you’re entitled to it you should claim it.”