Officers Urged To Complete PFEW Pay And Morale Survey

POLICE officers are being urged to set aside a few minutes to share their views on pay and morale amid the cost-of-living crisis. 

The findings from the 2022 Pay and Morale Survey will provide strategically important evidence to support our ongoing national pay campaign, calling for fair remuneration for police officers, and an independent pay mechanism, the Federation has said. 

It will also enable PFEW to highlight areas where change is needed and support its drive towards improving working conditions for officers. 

Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair, said: I would ask officers to take out that time to do it because without it we have literally got nothing.

The review bodies do read this and take note of it. So if theres nothing on the table, theyve got nothing to base their opinion, their thought processes on. So even though it might not be the magic wand that people think it is, it is strong evidence for us to put forward. So people must, if they can, take the time out to do that.

For the first time, this years survey will also gather evidence on demand, capacity and welfare issues to provide the Government, key stakeholders and members of the public a comprehensive insight into the realities of policing as they currently stand.

Steve added: I know officers’ time is really precious. Even if its 4 or 5 in the morning, on night shift, just get it in there, be honest about it, and get it across, because that can really help us paint the picture to the media and to the Government and to pay review bodies about the situation that were in at the moment.