“Support the police and thank officers for keeping us safe”

TELEVISION presenter Nick Knowles has urged the Government to support the police and the public to thank officers for keeping them safe.

He has warned that officers are feeling demoralised, with many also suffering job-related trauma in silence. Over the past year, Mr Knowles, who has presented programmes such as DIY SOS, has been speaking to officers about their experiences.  

“I listened and what I found was a force at a dangerously low ebb – beaten down, under financial and manpower pressures, unsupported by Government, abused, attacked in the press and without any sign of public support,” he said.

The presenter was shocked at the lack of respect for police among members of the public. One police detective explained to him: “When we arrest criminals they’re angry and abusive of course and we only deal with the public to give them bad news so they’re often angry and disappointed in us.”

Mr Knowles acknowledged the need to hold police to account but said it was important to start from a place of respect.

“At a time when they are needed most, the people who man the line between good and bad, literally keep us safe and run toward what we run away from, feel disrespected and unloved,” he said.

“What’s more they are suffering physical and mental health issues that threaten to start a mass exodus from the force.”

He was also surprised that the press had recently criticised two armed officers for smiling in a photograph.

“Who do you think the police are?” he asked. “Aliens beamed from another planet? They are your brother, sister, mum or dad, son or daughter.

“Tonight a mother will kiss her children goodnight and go out on patrol and walk through open doors on industrial estates and come face to face with what? A gun? A knife? Four angry young drunks?”

The TV host also hit out at MPs for failing to turn up to a House of Commons debate on police safety.

Writing in the Daily Express, he called for better support for police.

“The Government needs to show some public support,” he said. “MPs need to turn up when police safety is being discussed in the Commons. The press needs to stop taking cheap shots.

“And let’s occasionally thank them.”
