Police pay rises linked to performance/skills for first time

NEW in service constables in England and Wales are set to have their pay rises linked to their performance and skills.

The new scheme means that – as part of their Professional Development Reviews – PCs with between two and four years’ service will be checked on how they, for instance, support victims, carry out searches, and interview suspects. It will apply to constables at pay point three, which roughly equates to between two and four years of service.

The salary for officers at this stage is £24,975, and after passing a Foundation competency assessment they will move to pay point four at £26,016.

Those who do not meet the grade would agree a “timed development plan” lasting between four weeks and 11 months with their line manager, and move to the next pay grade once this has been achieved.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said: “Establishing this first link between what constables are paid and their ongoing professional development will help officers continue to improve, and maintain the highest possible standards.”

A spokesman for the Police Federation of England and Wales said: “In our view there is still a way to go before we have an assessment process that is fit for purpose.

‘It must be transparent, fair and attainable for all officers – not an attempt to keep down pay by setting the bar artificially high.”

Rachel Tuffin, Director of Knowledge, Research and Education at the College of Policing, said: “We know the nature of police work is changing with more public protection work and increasing demand, particularly online.

“One of the top priorities for the College is to support officers to maintain high professional standards and give them access to professional development.

“The College is not responsible for police pay, but it is encouraging to see officers being rewarded financially for their hard work and dedication.

“The public will benefit by being reassured that officers are maintaining high standards and can be deployed into any relevant operational role in their own force, or if needed, to other forces across England and Wales.”