Specials To Join Federation

“IT’S really important for Special Constables to get the protection they need when they’re volunteering to come and do the job that our regular colleagues are doing,” South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

From 1 July, the national Federation welcomed Special Constables to its membership, aiming to offer support and representation to the 9,174 specials actively volunteering across England and Wales.

Specials will have access to all the services and support of the Federation, including legal support and access to benefits from providers who offer discounts on financial, health and travel products and services.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said Special Constables hadn’t yet joined the Federation in his area due to logistic reasons.

“There’s a bit of disagreement about how they’re going to be funded, but there’s no doubt they are going to be funded, which is great news,” he said.

“I am in constant contact with the Deputy Chief Constable and the Specials in our force and we are pretty much on the same lines. They’re going to be welcomed into the Federation. We’re going to be having evenings where we can tell them what it’s about, and it’ll be really important for them to be on board and to get the protection that they need when they are volunteering to come and do the job that our regular colleagues are doing.”