Police officers must be supported when assaulted on duty

POLICE officers who are attacked on duty do not always receive the aftercare they deserve, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair, (pictured) has said she is “disappointed” at the examples of poor support for officers, when they come under attack at work.

She said: “Yes, we understand that being a Police officer is a dangerous occupation, but there is a distinct lack of support, the after care is poor at times, and there are examples of very disappointing results from Crown Prosecution Service.”

Zuleika added that when officers are assaulted at work, they do not always receive the same level of care and attention from their own force that they themselves are expected to deliver to the public.

“There is a sense that you are a police officer therefore you’re immune to it and it is part and parcel of the job. This attitude is wholly unacceptable

“As a Federation representative I am currently canvassing officers who have been assaulted on duty. This is forming part of a national piece of work, “Protect the Protectors”. The common themes I am identifying are poor after care and disappointing court results.”

She also wants to see a better relationship with the Crown Prosecution Service, so that cases are not dropped when police officers’ statements are not considered sufficient evidence.

She was speaking as the #ProtectTheProtectors campaign – a national project to raise awareness about the prevalence of police assault – gathers pace. Many supporters and MPs are calling for harsher sentences for those who attack police officers.

Zuleika added: “We need to send a zero tolerance message because until we do the situation will just get worse.”