Policing praised for “fighting in the interest of public safety”

MP JACK Dromey has praised the police service for “fighting in the interest of public safety” in the face of government cuts as he stands down from the Shadow Police Minister role.

Mr Dromey has been appointed Shadow Minister for Labour in the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy team after three years as the party’s Shadow Police Minister. He has written to “colleagues and friends” in policing to thank them for helping the public despite cuts to emergency services.

He pointed out that less than a year ago the police forced the Home Secretary into a last-minute u-turn on further funding reductions.

“We knew that cuts of 22 per cent, or even higher in the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), on top of the 25 per cent cut in the last Parliament, would have been catastrophic for the service, and frankly dangerous for the general public,” he said.

“Credit to you for fighting in the interest of public safety and for advocating for what was right. As I am sure you well know, the overwhelming weight of public opinion was in your favour.”

Mr Dromey added that he hoped the government “starts listening” and working to build a police service “fit for the 21st century” in recognition of the hard work carried out by officers.

“You often serve as the service of last resort, you are there when no one else is; on the street, in homes and in A&E departments,” he wrote. “As a barrage of cuts shrinks away other public and social services, you are there for some of the most vulnerable people in society when they are most in need.

“For that I cannot thank you enough – on behalf of Labour, Parliament and the public.”

See the full letter in Police Professional here: http://www.policeprofessional.com/news.aspx?id=27840