Pay Review Body must draw their own conclusions

THE Police Federation of England and Wales and the Superintendents’ Association have once again asked for a pay increase of 2.8% for all police officers.

The Government have capped public sector pay increases at 1% but the two staff associations said that Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) “must be free to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence presented.” 

The submission asks for an annual uplift in line with Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation.

The Home Office has called for a “1% consolidated increase in basic pay” for #police officers “at all pay points”.

Andy Fittes, General Secretary of the PFEW, said: “This year’s pay and morale survey, the largest ever undertaken, once again shows that morale continues to be low. Alongside how officers are treated, pay and benefits remains one of the most significant contributory factors to this.

“Continuing austerity measures, exacerbated by inflation, have seen police officers hit hard by way of a real terms pay gap. The ability to recruit strong candidates, or recruit full stop, may be impacted if this is not addressed.

“Whilst directed to limit any pay award at one per cent, the independent PRRB must be free to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence presented.”

The PRRB also asked submissions to consider both the targeting of pay and observations on proposals to introduce police officer apprenticeships, in relation to setting pay.

Mr Fittes said: “We are not against change to the pay system and recognise it needs to change as the service changes. However, Chief Constables should not be given ‘carte blanche’ to pay at their discretion. Sufficient time needs to be given for discussions on any new targeting proposals, with clear evidence presented throughout.

“We believe that to maintain fairness, and encourage interest from a range of candidates reflective of their communities, apprentices should be paid in line with existing starting salary bandings. This would allow room for many, especially those with prior policing experience, to attract the higher starting point.”