Hero Officer and Police Dog Benson Win South Yorkshire Police Federation Bravery Award

A South Yorkshire Police dog and his handler who teamed up to apprehend an offender during a violent domestic incident have won a South Yorkshire Police Federation Bravery Award.

PC Terry Davidson and Police Dog Benson were among 11 colleagues across the force being recognised at the Federation’s first ever annual event for their superb police work and their bravery.

It was in September 2021 when the duo attended an incident in Balby, Doncaster to assist colleagues with a wanted 31-year-old man who had become violent and destructive to property.

But prior to their arrival, the man fled the scene.

When PD Benson and PC Davidson arrived – other officers were already in attendance at the domestic incident – the duo immediately started tracking the man and located him nearby, armed with a glass bottle.

PC Davidson said: “Once PD Benson had located the man, I engaged him in conversation and asked him to put the glass bottle down or explained I would have to release Benson.

“The man refused and became uncooperative and attempted to run away. The man was in the company of a friend who released a pitbull-type of dog from a nearby address. The dog immediately started to attack Benson.

“Benson received cuts to his face and muzzle area from the dog, but despite being attacked and suffering pain he did not lose focus of his task.”

The friend of the suspect then saw that his dog was being injured, so he recalled his dog and put it on a lead. Benson continued with his task and pursued the wanted man, eventually catching up with him so that he could be detained.

“He’s not just my partner, he’s my best mate,” said PC Davidson.

“Everything happens fast, and just the professionalism on Benson, just literally putting himself in between me and the [attacking] dog. And then to deal with that, and then to have the bravery to then turn, on command, and then go and detain a suspect as well.

“I can’t thank him enough.”

PC Davidson added: “What we’re here for, ultimately, is to protect the victim. She’s at the address, she’s safe, but then what we do as a dog unit is, we find the bad guys and we detain them, and that’s something that technology can’t do.

“You’ve got helicopters, you’ve got drones, but at the end of the day, nothing better than Benson’s nose. Our dog unit is second to none.

“Benson detained him… and then I joined Benson and we fought together to detain this male. Other officers arrived and helped us out… the male was arrested and district officers took him away.”

PC Davidson said that his bond with Benson has gone “from strength to strength”.

He continued: “I have been a police officer for nine years and it’s great to know I have Benson by my side in challenging situations. He works hard protecting myself and the communities of South Yorkshire.”

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent praised the commendable courage of both Benson and PC Davidson in this incident.

“This is police teamwork at its best,” said Steve. “PC Davidson was determined to track down the offender and PD Benson not only protected his handler but also – after coming under attack – then went on to get the bad guy.

“I want to thank both of them for their tenacity and bravery. The public of South Yorkshire should be very proud of them. I know their colleagues across South Yorkshire certainly are. They are very worthy winners.”

PC Davidson attended the South Yorkshire Police Federation Bravery Awards ceremony on 16 June. PD Benson was also recognised by the Federation for his courage that night, away from the Awards ceremony.

The Awards are in Association with The Northern Police Healthcare Scheme. The hashtag for the event is #SYPFBravery.