“Exceptional skills” recognised at Sheffield police awards

OFFICERS and staff from the Sheffield district have been honoured at the Sheffield Police Awards.

Sheffield District Commander, Chief Superintendent Simon Torr, and radio and TV presenter Toby Foster introduced the event at Sheffield City Hall on Friday 15 February.

Sheffield Officer of the Year went to DC Luke Kiely (pictured second from left).

Team performance of the Year went to Insp Glen Suttenwood and his Gang Enforcement Team for “the best team effort” over the past year.

“Teamwork is all about the ability of individuals to work as a group towards a common vision, even if that vision sometimes becomes blurred,” said Mr Foster as he presented the award.

“In this respect, policing is pretty unique; whether it’s a Saturday night, arresting prolific offenders or dealing with a complex criminal investigation, this award celebrates the best team effort over the past year.”

Sheffield Officer of the Year went to DC Luke Kiely for demonstrating “exceptional skills” and “a deep commitment” to making Sheffield one of the safest cities in the country. DC Kiely was praised for best all-round performance by a Sheffield officer.

Special Constables were also honoured for the work they carry out, often alongside other full-time jobs. Deputy District Officer Michelle Hudson picked up the award for Special Constable of the Year.

Jim Lucas, secretary of South Yorkshire Police Federation, congratulated all of the achievements and hard work carried out by officers serving in Sheffield.

“All officers and staff have showed that they are hard honest working individuals and teams, a credit to the service and South Yorkshire,” he said.

A full list of the awards and winners can be found in the next issue of the hard copy Copper Connection magazine.