Police officers took people to hospital 2,012 times last year

POLICE officers took sick and injured people to hospital at least 2,012 times last year because ambulances were unavailable, new figures have shown.

Nine forces revealed that police cars had been used to take people to hospital between April 2015 and March 2016.

The most trips were made in Northumbria – where 491 people were taken to accident and emergency departments by officers.

Officers at the Met made 433 trips, according to the force.

South Wales Police made 336 trips to hospital, 264 trips were made by Cleveland officers, 197 by Durham and 163 in South Yorkshire. At the other end of the scale, 54 trips were made by officers in Norfolk, while 37 trips were made by officers at both Bedfordshire and North Wales Police.

This issue needs to be addressed nationally, said Calum Macleod, Vice-Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales. He argued that the ambulance service needs to address its resourcing issues, as the police service is already stretched to its limit.

He said: “While our officers are highly trained at their jobs, they do not have the same skill set as a paramedic or doctor, and police vehicles are not a suitable substitute for ambulances.

“Time taken fulfilling these roles can also take away our ability to assist others in need.”

The Home Office said it was clear that “police officers should not be doing the job of trained healthcare professionals”.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Local Policing, Chief Constable Simon Cole, said: “Police aren’t required to transport patients to hospital in this way by ambulance trusts but officers have judged this to be necessary in extreme conditions. Guidance is being developed to help us find a long term solution to this issue.”

Every force in the UK was asked how many times officers took members of the public to hospital due to ambulances being unavailable in the last three financial years, under the Freedom of Information Act.

In response, 32 forces said they had no figures, while Devon and Cornwall, GMP, Kent, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire failed to reply.

Police officers made 4,485 trips to hospital between 2012 and 2015.