‘Spit hoods can protect officers from assault’

POLITICIANS should spend time on the beat with police officers before criticising the service’s request for spit hoods.

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said officers should be protected from all types of injury and assault – including biting, scratching or spitting.

The issue has come to the fore again after the Met’s plan to pilot the use of spit hoods was reversed.

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan voiced concerns about their use following interjections from human rights groups, saying the hoods belonged in “horror stories”.

But Mr Bowles said: “Spit Hoods or masks, what is it that upsets people?

“We all agree that violent people should be locked up and restrained so that they cannot hurt others, by punching, scratching, kicking, head butting or biting.

“Why do people baulk at trying to prevent officers and others from being spat upon? We believe that all officers require protection form all types of injury and assault.

“Not just officers, but anybody that works in the area of dealing with violence should be afforded that protection.

“The rights of victims – or possible victims – have to outweigh those of an offender.

“As I have said before, elected politicians should come out of their PR managed ivory towers and see what it is like on the street; in an A&E department; in a Housing Office.

“Here in South Yorkshire we already have spit masks available for custody staff to use on detainees, why can’t the necessary equipment be in every police vehicle?”