MPs should spend time learning what police officers do

MORE MPs should spent time on the beat with police so they really know what goes on in the job rather than criticising officers, according to Neil Bowles.

The South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman said MPs should not criticise the police after voting for huge budget cuts that have left forces stretched.

Conservative Party MP Nigel Evans took to Twitter this month to call on his local force to provide a greater level of police on the beat in rural areas across his constituency.

And Mr Bowles said these kind of comments are “a sham”.

He added: “This just shows further evidence that MPs and Ministers say one thing to their constituents and then vote differently. Priti Patel, currently in the Cabinet, also criticised police for the lack of action in her Essex constituency last summer. It’s a sham. Do they think the public are that gullible?

“More should follow the lead of Halifax MP Holly Lynch, who attended her local station and worked the night shift with Officers. In fact she had to call 999 whilst at an incident as she feared for the safety of the officer.

“MPs need to get out more and talk to officers on the frontline and not just take their briefings from civil servants or think tanks.”