Officers “Run to Remember” in aid of Nicola Hughes Charity

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers and staff who took part in a charity challenge that saw them raise around £4,500 for the PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund have been awarded medals.

The ‘Run to Remember’, which was held between February and May this year, saw around 45 SYP officers, staff, family and friends run 200 miles in 100 days. The PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund was set up in 2014 and aims to support young people who have lost close family members as a result of violent crime.

PC Hughes was one of two GMP officers who were killed in Manchester in September 2012.

Bryn Hughes, PC Hughes’ father, established the charity and also attended the event at Force headquarters today to present participants with their medals.

Sgt Louise Kent, who co-ordinated and organised the force’s participation in the run, said: “It has been a privilege to take part in this event and to support this charity which is very close to our hearts.

“We have had a great team who have supported each other throughout the challenge and it is fantastic to see that something positive is coming out of such tragedy, and I believe Nicola would have been so very proud of what her father has achieved.

“The charity is already helping young children in Sheffield and I hope that we are able to continue offering this support.

“Alongside the great work of the charity, this challenge has also contributed towards improved health and fitness of all who took part and I look forward to seeing even more people take part in future events.”

To find out more information about the PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund and upcoming events, or to make a donation, please visit: