“Restructure” South Yorkshire Police? Well no-one told us

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation says any plans for a “fundamental restructure” of the force are “a complete surprise” to everyone in South Yorkshire.

Neil Bowles, Federation Chairman (pictured) said this news – mentioned by new Home Secretary in Parliament – was also a surprise to the current interim Chief Constable, Dave Jones, the new Chief Constable, Steve Watson, the PCC, Dr Alan Billings and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary.

“I think perhaps she has been poorly briefed on our current circumstances,” said Mr Bowles.

The Home Office says the “fundamental restructure” of South Yorkshire Police hinted by the Home Secretary amounts to measures already announced.

In a commons debate Amber Rudd was asked if she would look again at the future of the force’s management and “not shy away from any fundamental reorganisation”.

She replied: “My right honourable friend will not be surprised to hear that we are doing exactly that.”

Responding to requests from PoliceOracle.com for clarity on what such a “fundamental reorganisation” would mean, the Home Office pointed to existing work by the College of Policing on a peer review report, and HMIC on its PEEL inspection regime as explanations of this.

Mr Bowles added: “Our members and the local Superintendents’ Association have been saying for some time that the latest Policing Model will not work and it has not worked.

That the salami style cuts of police officers and staff is wrong and that we need to transform our services.

“Dave Jones called for a Peer Review of the force and it listened and reported last month. It laid out some sensible recommendations for the short and medium term. We now need whichever CC we have to action them.

“We have had a complete overhaul of senior officers in the last two years. HMIC are nearly continuously inspecting all forces – there are others in a worse place than us! However, national and locally, the Federation supports full blown amalgamations whereas this Government does not.”