Charity urges officers to donate to Police Treatment Centres

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers are being encouraged to donate £1.30 a week to the Police Treatment Centres charity so they can receive treatment for free if they are injured or fall ill.

The Centres offer expert police-specific physiotherapy twice a day for two weeks, classes to help officers regain fitness, nurses who can provide advice, coping strategies and alternative treatments for stress, anxiety and associated conditions, as well as complementary therapy.

If officers sign up before the end of August 2013, they will also be able to use the facilities immediately rather than waiting the usual 12 months should the need arise.

Neil Bowles, chairman of the South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “At only £1.30 a week, it’s very cheap. If you consider that the average cost of a two-week admission for treatment is around £1,000.”

He added: “It is especially important seeing as Tom Winsor has got his heart set on getting rid of officers who repeatedly fail their fitness tests.”

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “There is a strong possibility that during your career you will be assaulted or sustain an injury. At that time you may need the services and support of the Police Treatment Centres.”

She added: “A police officer is assaulted every twenty minutes in the UK. You may be one of the lucky ones but statistics show that out of six of your colleagues it is likely that five have been assaulted in the last eight years.”

“We realise that many officers are currently facing financial difficulties. But, with the possible changes to sick pay entitlements and the likelihood of having to remain fitter for longer, can you afford not to contribute?”

If you live within an hour of Harrogate you may be able to attend as an out-patient and fit treatment around your duties.

For more information visit or contact the Police Federation Office.