Help Available For Police Officers With Long Covid

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers who are finding it difficult to recover from the long-term effects of COVID-19 are being supported through a blend of physical and emotional support.

Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service, has teamed up with Nuffield Health to provide an online, self-managed, COVID-19 rehabilitation programme for UK police officers and their families.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said that in addition, the force and Federation were doing all they could to help local officers.

He said: “Thankfully, long COVID is not as widespread in our force as we were worried it was going to be. But it is there. It’s a factor.

“What we have to do as a Federation is hold the force to account, making sure that they’re looking after people with long COVID properly. Giving officers adjustments – not putting them under pressure to come back to work too early, and giving them flexibility to work from home if it’s appropriate.

“But overall, I think our force has been quite pragmatic and good with this and have got provisions in place.”

Steve said anyone who was struggling with long COVID should speak to their Federation rep, who can signpost them to a range of helpful services.

To access the Oscar Kilo programme, visit