We Can Help You With Financial Worries

OFFICERS who are struggling financially should contact South Yorkshire Police Federation for advice and support.

The Federation has had a number of officers getting in contact requesting financial advice after struggling to pay the bills.

Chair Steve Kent said: “If officers need help, I would encourage them to approach us, email us, go on our website. We have got institutions and people they can go to for advice on our website, under our Member Services section.

“But the most important thing is that if any officer finds themselves in trouble, approach their local Rep or approach us here at the office and we can signpost them or get them in touch with people who can definitely help them. We are very happy to be in association with those organisations.”

The Home Office’s submission to the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) last month said there is only enough money in the pot for police officers to receive a 2% pay rise.

But Steve said this amount simply won’t ‘cut the mustard’.

He said: “It just won’t be enough. It’s essentially almost a 3% cut when we look at the way inflation is going, coupled with National Insurance contributions rising. It is absolutely insulting to us and it’s not good enough.

“And then we see the MPs talking about a £2,000 pay rise for themselves. It just shows how cataclysmically out of touch the Government is to how people are being affected out in the real world, and it’s just not acceptable.”

MPs will receive £2,212 more for the year from 1 April, increasing their pay by 2.7% from £81,932 to £84,144, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority announced this week.

The Police Federation of England and Wales has filed an application for Judicial Review alongside Chief Police Officers’ Staff Association (CPOSA) and the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) calling for a truly independent pay mechanism for police officer pay.