South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable is suspended

THE Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police has been suspended following the Hillsborough Inquest result.

And Deputy Chief Constable Dawn Copley – who had been lined up to become temporary chief – will return to her substantive role while another candidate is sought. Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said the “uncertainty hits our members effectiveness to keep the public safe.”

Mr Bowles added: “We hope that the current situation resolves itself as soon as possible to enable our hard working members to get on with their jobs serving the public of South Yorkshire, in the full knowledge that the command team is stable enough to lead the force into the future, whatever it may hold.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings said that following the “the continuing criticism that has been directed at the Chief Constable and the eroding trust and confidence in South Yorkshire Police I have been left with no choice other than to suspend David Crompton from his duties as Chief Constable.”

He added: “I have reached this decision with a heavy heart following discussions with David Crompton both in the run up to, and following the delivery of the Hillsborough verdicts. My decision is based on the erosion of public trust and confidence referenced in statements and comments in the House of Commons this lunchtime, along with public calls for the Chief Constable’s resignation from a number of quarters including local MPs.

“The suspension is with immediate effect pending a legal process.

“I said yesterday that I want to work with the Force, the Home Secretary and national policing bodies to continue to develop the qualities and culture within the Force that will rebuild trust and confidence.

“As a result of other retirements this can begin with the establishment of a new senior leadership team. Following the announcement last month by David Crompton, that he was intending to retire in November, I began the planning process for appointing a new Chief Constable. The new Chief Constable must provide strong and focussed leadership for South Yorkshire Police with an emphasis on building the trust and confidence of the public in their police force.

“All this means that in the coming months South Yorkshire Police will have a new leadership team who will be able to provide a fresh start and tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

“I am also proposing today a new partnership between the Force and the public, brokered by my office. This will require the new senior leadership team to engage more fully with the people of South Yorkshire in order to learn and improve. This new partnership will also continue to support the work of the Force in embedding the Code of Ethics.”

Dr Billings said Mrs Copley – who is being investigated over her conduct with another force – did not want “any further negative publicity or criticism to be levelled at the force” and would step down “in the interests of the force and the workforce”.