South Yorkshire Police Federation Launches Bravery Awards

South Yorkshire Police Federation are delighted to announce the launch of our first ever Bravery Awards – coming up this Summer!

The inaugural Bravery Awards will take place on 16 June and will recognise and celebrate heroic officers’ courageous actions from across the force area.

The Awards will include a prestigious ceremony in Sheffield, which winning officers will be invited to.

And one overall winner will be announced which will then become the South Yorkshire Police representative at the 2022 Police Federation of England and Wales Bravery Awards in London in July.

Federation Chair Steve Kent said officers celebrated at the event would be ‘heroes for a night’.

He said: “We spend the majority of our time and a lot of our resources, quite rightly, representing officers in sometimes quite negative circumstances, which is our core role, absolutely. But also what we want to strive to do is recognise the great things our officers do.

“We see so little positivity in the media about police officers, so we need to start proactively pushing the heroes out there who do the work, day in and day out.

“We want to make them feel like they are heroes for a night, and feel proud of themselves. The Bravery Awards will really put our officers on a platform where they can get the sort of recognition they deserve.

“This is an exciting event that we’re looking forward to – we just can’t wait – and we hope that the cops of South Yorkshire really enjoy it.”

The Awards are in association with the Northern Police Healthcare Scheme