Supporting our colleagues injured in horrific attack

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation is offering “full support” to colleagues injured in a machete attack – as they begin the long recovery.

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said Fed representatives are in touch with all the officers.

And he added that the Force, the officers and the Federation have been “overwhelmed” with the amount of support and best wishes coming from across the world since the attacks.

Mr Bowles said the Federation’s discipline liaison officer – who used to work with PC Lisa Bates – had visited her this week “and found her in good spirits”. He added that “we have of course offered her all our support for her recuperation”.

He also added that the other officer injured in the incident has been offered the Federation’s full support.

Generous colleagues have set up two collections for the injured officers.

An online collection which aimed to raise £200 for the officers – – has at the time of writing received £7,445 in donations.

The second is a cash collection at all South Yorkshire stations for fellow officers and staff to donate.

Mr Bowles added: “Careful consideration has to be given to how these monies should be used to assist which officers. The Federation would be happy to help the members who have organised this if they so wish.”

Chief Constable David Crompton told The Star: “The reaction of the public has been fabulous. It’s been lovely to see the support and the good wishes and I thank people for their generosity and kind words.

“It really does make a difference, not just to Lisa and the others involved, but more generally. It’s nice to know that when the chips are down we have the public’s support.

“Deep down people still have respect for police officers and appreciate the courageous job they do.”