Christmas and New Year Message from Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation

CHRISTMAS and New Year Message from Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation

2021 has been an extremely busy year for South Yorkshire Police officers, what with policing the Euros, the G7 Summit and most recently COP26. Officers have worked extremely long hours throughout, under immense pressure.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel with the new recruits that are coming through, however this is going to take some time and it is massively important that this pressure on officers is lessened as we look towards 2022.

In addition, policing across the country has been subject to unfair and disproportionate attacks from the media, based on the appalling acts of the tiniest of minorities. Our hardworking officers simply do not deserve that when they are putting their lives on the line, and trying their very best – with huge workloads – to help the public of South Yorkshire.

We as a Federation have been looking at how we can better recognise and showcase some of the amazing work that South Yorkshire Police officers do all the time, and to that end we have some exciting plans for 2022, which we will be announcing in the New Year.

I hope that, despite this difficult year, officers can reflect on their hard work and feel genuine pride. It is incredible what our members achieve under such difficult circumstances, and while making so many personal sacrifices – this is so rarely recognised.

Most importantly, I hope everyone gets at least some time to spend with family and friends over the festive period, and my best wishes go out especially to those who find themselves having to work throughout.

Stay safe, Happy Christmas and here’s to a better 2022.

Chair Steve Kent and all at South Yorkshire Police Federation