NPAS shuts down South Yorkshire base to save money

THE National Police Air Service (NPAS) has officially shut its South Yorkshire base as a result of cutbacks.

The area has been served by NPAS since April 2013, with a helicopter based in Sheffield for 10 hours a day.

It is one of 10 bases across England and Wales due to be closed down by 2017 as the police service tries to meet a 14% budget reduction.

Simon Wilkinson, of NPAS, said: “The closure of NPAS Sheffield is part of a national programme of planned activity to ensure that essential air support remains in place to support the police forces of England and Wales at a significantly reduced cost to the public.

“The decision to close NPAS Sheffield was based on an impact assessment of the ability of the National Police Air Service to provide air support to police forces in line with areas of the greatest threat, harm and risk to the public.”

Despite the closures, NPAS says it is normally able to reach 98% of the population within 20 minutes.

For South Yorkshire, the nearest base is now Carr Gate in Wakefield, which operates at all hours of the day and night.