Have Your Say On Pay And Morale

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers are being urged to fill in the 2021 Pay and Morale Survey, so that their voices can be heard.

The results of the survey inform the Federation’s work on pay and conditions and general police morale, and means it has more clout when dealing with politicians.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “It’s really important that officers complete this survey. I hear some officers saying, ‘What’s the point? It doesn’t seem to make that much difference.’ But we need to have evidence to back up our arguments.

“The more officers who take the time to complete this, the more compelling and strong an argument we can present to Government, to politicians, to the media about how fed up officers are and how they feel that they’re not properly rewarded for what they do.”

Last year’s Pay and Morale Survey revealed that 86% of respondents did not feel fairly paid in relation to the stresses and strains of the job and 65% said the COVID-19 crisis had a negative effect on their morale.

The Police Federation of England and Wales said that this year’s survey was more important than ever, as it continues to press the Government for a fair pay increase in 2022.

The survey will close on 30 November 2021.