South Yorkshire officers get Queen’s New Year honours

TWO South Yorkshire Police officers have been honoured by the Queen.

PC Zuleika Payne (right) has received with the Queen’s Police Medal (QPM) in the New Year honours for her community work. She is also Vice Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation. Paul Brown – a former officer and current Special Constable – was recognised with a British Empire Medal.

Zuleika has worked as a Police Constable for 24 years. Forming part of Zuleika’s work is identifying those at risk of forced marriage. In her area South Yorkshire Police saw reports from those in fear of forced marriage increase by more than 40%.

On hearing the news, Zuleika thought it may have been a wind-up. “Getting the letter was surreal in the extreme and such a shock”, said Zuleika.

“As someone who’s not known for being short of a few words, I also thought the QPM might stand for ‘quiet please madam!’,” added Zuleika.

“Once I’d had chance to compose myself I think it’s very important to make the point that while this award may have my name on it also says ‘police’ which means it belongs as much to everyone else I’ve worked with over the years as it does to me. Without the support of colleagues, both in and out of the police, this would not have been possible.”

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “Zuleika was very proud to have receive the gong and the Federation are proud for her. She’s done excellent work for the communities for which she’s been cited for the award, not only that, in her spare time she’s a Federation rep, Equality Lead, and Vice Chair of the board. She thoroughly deserves the recognition she’s received.”

Paul said: “I am, for once, speechless and filled with immense pride for the service I served. I was and am very fortunate to work with a team of people who also give 100% commitment and more to their role in South Yorkshire Police so my role is made so much more enjoyable.”

Paul, spent the majority of his policing career in the mounted section, and retired in 2015. But he returned after just months away to take on the voluntary role of Special constable back in the mounted section.

Mr Bowles added: “Paul thoroughly deserves the recognition that he’s got this time round with a British Empire Medal.”

Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police David Crompton said: “Both Paul and Zuleika exemplify what it means to be a police officer. The dedication and hard work they have given over many years to communities across South Yorkshire is something they should be extremely proud of.”