IPCC could be reorganised under new plans

THE Home Secretary has announced proposals to reform the governance structure of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

The proposals include replacing the existing Commission model with a single head of the organisation – such as Northern Ireland’s Police Ombudsman – who would be a Crown appointment to provide a direct line of accountability to the public.

The proposals also include establishing a unitary Board, “with a majority of non-executives to provide robust external challenge to the organisation on behalf of complainants and the public”.

The  proposals are out to consultation until the end of January.

The Home Office is also seeking views on changing the name of the IPCC “as it would no longer be organised as a Commission.”

This would be the first major change to the IPCC’s governance structure since it was established in 2004.

According to the Home Office: “Both the Government and the IPCC agree on the need for significant governance reform to modernise the organisation, improve accountability and ensure the IPCC can grow and its remit expand.”

The proposals emerged from an independent review, by Sheila Drew Smith, of the governance changes proposed by the IPCC.

Home Secretary Theresa May said: “The IPCC plays a critical role in securing and maintaining public confidence. It provides independent oversight of the police complaints system and investigates the most serious and sensitive matters involving the police.

“I am committed to ensuring that the IPCC has the resources and powers it needs to perform these vital functions.

“These reforms are designed to deliver a more resilient police complaints body – providing one single, clear line of decision-making from top to bottom and giving the public real accountability. It will help ensure that complaints made against the police are responded to in a way that builds trust and public confidence, and allows lessons to be learned.”

Sheila Drew Smith said: “The IPCC has a vital role to play in securing public confidence in the police complaints system. As the IPCC expands its role, and takes on more cases, I found universal agreement that its governance arrangements need to be strengthened.

“Having a single head of the organisation, supported by a strong Board with a majority of non-executive directors, should help streamline decision-making, help the IPCC become more efficient and deliver the objective scrutiny which the public and the police have a right to expect.”