Make your voice heard and vote in the upcoming Fed Rep elections

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation is urging members to make their voice heard by voting in the upcoming Fed Rep elections.

Candidates have all put themselves forward to take on the Rep roles, so now it’s over to colleagues to cast their votes.

Members will be getting an email for their opportunity to vote for their new Reps with polls scheduled to close in mid-August.

Steve Kent, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “We’ve had an encouraging uptake of police officers who wanted to do become PFEW Reps so that’s really pleasing.

“We’ve encouraged all the prospective Reps to actually go out and canvas people and spread the word as to what they’re about and what they want to achieve.”

What is so good about being a workplace Police Federation Rep?

Steve added: “We need people to come in here who are willing to give up their time on occasions, willing to sometimes take those calls off duty, willing to do these kind of things because it is massively important.

“We need to have that resilience and we need to have people in place who are willing to have these chats with people when they’re in their darkest hours sometimes. So if we can get the right people into the posts who are willing to do that then that is absolutely brilliant.”

PFEW National Secretary Alex Duncan, said: “Fed reps are the backbone of the Federation, providing vital support to our 130,000+ members across England and Wales.

“They advise their fellow colleagues on matters such as conduct, pay, allowances, terms and conditions, equality, professional development and operational policing issues, often supporting colleagues at the most difficult time in their professional or personal lives.

“It is really important that our reps reflect our diverse membership therefore we are encouraging our members, no matter what their background, age, length of service, or area of policing they work in, to stand in our elections and be the voice of their colleagues.”