Memorial stone honours ‘copper’s copper’

A MEMORIAL stone remembering the life of a murdered Essex PC Ian Dibell has been unveiled by the Prime Minister.

David Cameron described PC Dibell’s actions as “a selfless act of heroism” as he unveiled the 40th memorial to fallen police officers over the past 30 years.

PC Dibell, 41, was fatally shot when he tackled the gunman in the street near his home in Clacton.

He put himself on duty by collecting his warrant card before confronting the offender but sadly paid the ultimate sacrifice. He was later posthumously awarded the George Medal for gallantry by the Queen.

Mr Cameron said: “We are here today to remember the extraordinary courage of one of our country’s finest police officers – a man who made the ultimate sacrifice and saved the lives of others.”

He added: “In remembering the courage of one police officer, we can remember the courage of all police officers.

“Police memorials are a poignant reminder of what our police men and women do to protect us day in, day out. A reminder of the way we ask them to bear responsibility that many of us could never shoulder.”

PC Dibell’s family attended the service along with his loved ones, friends and police colleagues.

Music was provided by the Essex Police band.

Steve Kavanagh, Chief Constable of Essex Police, said: “I cannot sum up in words the enormity of PC Ian Dibell’s sacrifice.

“He was a copper’s copper.”

Geraldine Winner, Chair of the Police Memorial Trust, said: “Everyone one of us owes a huge debt of gratitude to the men and women of the British Police Service. Every day they face the very real danger of losing their lives in the service of this country whilst keeping their communities safe.”