Reminder on WhatsApp messaging: Imagine every message will be read by a moderator

POLICE officers should imagine that a moderator is reading any WhatsApp group messages they send between colleagues, to ensure they don’t say anything they’ll later regret.

This is the advice of South Yorkshire Police Federation, after recommendations have been made to all police forces in England and Wales to ensure a consistent approach of work group messages, following a review by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

A case at the Met – which the IOPC has publicised – found officers “ were using the instant messaging application from their personal devices to discuss work related matters including sharing operational information and sensitive documents.”

Steve said: “We tell student officers, if you’re going to have a WhatsApp group message, that’s absolutely fine, but just be reminded that at all times you must be professional. If you’re unsure about what you’re writing, just imagine an independent moderator’s reading it at all times, because all it takes is for one person to make a complaint and then it becomes public information.”

IOPC Deputy Director General for Operations Claire Bassett said:

“Social media and instant messaging are a part of all of our lives and it’s important that policing policies and procedures reflect changes in the way we use technology in everyday life. WhatsApp can be a useful tool for officers to message one another about swapping a shift or for communications like sharing information if a child is missing or notifying communities about an increase in thefts.

“At the same time, the risks associated with this use need to be managed, so it’s critical to get the balance right. These recommendations will help police forces do this, and it’s been good to see several forces have already set up task forces in response to look at this.”

To see the recommendations in full, go to:’-use-whatsapp-messaging-system