Making Work Comfortable For Officers Going Through Menopause

SOUTH Yorkshire Police is taking steps to make women officers and staff who are going through the menopause feel more comfortable at work.

A recent PFEW survey revealed that 76% of police officers and staff who have gone through or are going through the menopause found their symptoms either ‘moderately’ or ‘extremely’ problematic in the workplace.

Nearly half (44%) of respondents said they had considered quitting the police because of it.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said that was unacceptable.

He said: “If we ever get to that level, then we’ve failed catastrophically.

“Rolling out awareness and training on it should at least put that first tier of understanding there for people, to try and help with any ongoing issues.”

Help and support has been made available to South Yorkshire officers, Steve added.

“We have been involved in it, and the force is rolling out awareness training, so they are on it,” he said.

“There needs to be more awareness for managers and supervisors out there in ways and how they can support officers who are obviously going through a difficult time, and what measures they can put in place to help them.

“A policy, as far as I’m aware, has been drafted and the force is looking at that and rolling that out for supervisor away days etc. It’s encouraging.”