Federation To Continue ‘Constructive Relationship’ With PCC

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation says it will endeavour to “continue the constructive relationship” it has with Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings, who has been re-elected for a third term.

Dr Billings has been South Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner since 2014. He has vowed to prioritise anti-social behaviour, organised crime, illegal biking, fly-tipping and road safety over the next three years.

Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “We’ve got regular meetings planned with the PCC for the next 12 months, and I’ll continue to press Dr Billings on the issues that our officers bring to our attention. We look forward to continuing in a constructive relationship with him.”

Steve added that he hoped Dr Billings would stick up for police officers. He praised him for being vocal this year about the need to prioritise COVID-19 vaccinations for the police.