Thousands pay tribute to fallen Merseyside officer

THOUSANDS of people have paid tribute to the Merseyside Police officer who was struck by a stolen vehicle and killed on duty earlier this month.

A funeral will be held for PC David Phillips on Monday 2 November at Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool.

The 34-year-old officer was described as a “dedicated husband and father” by Merseyside Police Federation, which has set up a memorial fund in his name.

More than 5,500 people have donated to the Constable Dave Phillips Memorial Fund, raising more than £200,000 and leaving messages of condolence.

Many described his death as a “tragic loss”, while others said they were simply “lost for words”.

Some of PC Phillips’ Merseyside colleagues are also organising a memorial run on the Wirral to raise more funds. Participants will run or walk 6,554 metres, marking his police collar number, on Sunday 13 December.

PC Phillips was described as “one of the best” by Peter Singleton, chairman of Merseyside Police Federation.

Mr Singleton said his colleagues were “understandably devastated” and he sent his deepest condolences to his wife Jen and two daughters, seven-year-old Abigail and three-year-old Sophie, as well as other family members, colleagues and friends.

In a special video message, the officer’s two girls said their “daddy is kind and caring because he gives the best kisses and cuddles”.

PC Phillips’ sister Kate was also among family members to pay tribute to her fallen brother in a press conference after his death.

Describing him as her “hero”, she said: “He was our world and our world has become a little darker for us.”

His sister Hannah described his death as a “sickening, gut-wrenching mess” and said he was “the glue that bound all the families we represent here together”.

PC Phillips died in hospital shortly after the incident in Wallasey on 5 October. An inquest heard that he had died of shock and bleeding from internal injuries.

Clayton Williams, 18, of Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, was charged with PC Phillips’ murder and attempting to wound his colleague. Three others have been charged with assisting an offender and another man has been charged with aggravated unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle and burglary.