Conference Allows Federation To Hold Government To Account

THE upcoming Police Federation Conference is a great opportunity to “let the powers that be know the feeling out there from officers” and press for continued investment in policing, according to South Yorkshire Police Federation.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) Annual Conference will be held virtually on 9-10 June. Home Secretary Priti Patel is expected to make a speech and face questions from Federation members.

Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “The conference is a really important event and gives us the opportunity to hear and interact with the Government and Shadow Government.

“It can be where a lot of the conversation takes place and is an opportunity to let the powers that be know the feeling out there from officers. We only need to remember the way Theresa May was held to account in that forum.

“Yes, it’s virtual this year and that is far from ideal, however we still need to hear the tone and language coming from the Government.”

Steve said he wanted the Government to show a commitment to investment in policing that goes further than the uplift in officer numbers.

He said: “We still need to press for a continued investment in policing in the coming years and this needs to be well beyond the uplift, which merely repairs the damage done. We need to grow past that as well.”