Assaulting Officers Should Lead To Mandatory Jail Sentence

ANYONE convicted of assaulting a police officer must be given a mandatory jail sentence, “no ifs or buts”.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent was speaking after it emerged there has been a staggering 19% rise in the number of assaults on emergency workers.

According to figures released by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPPC), the rise has been driven by an increase in common assault – including suspects spitting on officers while claiming to be infected with COVID-19.

Steve said: “It’s totally unacceptable. The only way to get the message out there is for minimum or mandatory sentences to accompany assaults on police officers and emergency services staff. No ifs or buts. Until the harsher sentences fit the crime I fear that these rates will rise.”

NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt said offenders found guilty of assaulting police officers should expect to face the “full force of the law”.

He said: “As we’ve seen throughout the pandemic, there continues to be a concerning rise in assaults against emergency service workers. This is unacceptable.

“We will use the full force of the law to prosecute anyone who uses violence against those who are on the front line.

“Officers and staff are out in communities, working in challenging circumstances, and I am grateful for their continued hard work.”