Summer without restrictions could create a perfect storm for policing

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers are being warned they may face a summer struggle to get time off as a ‘perfect storm’ of demand looks set to hit the region.

Lockdown easing, a summer football tournament, more protests coupled with likely good weather and the return of the night-time economy all means officers will be kept very busy in the months to come, South Yorkshire Police Federation said.

It comes after what has already been an extremely challenging 12+ months for forces up and down the country.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said it’s going to be a problem, but that the South Yorkshire force had so far prepared as best they can.

For officers, it means they may not be able to enjoy themselves post-June 21st quite as much as the public will, and Steve is concerned that may lead to officers burning out.

“Leave is going to be very difficult for officers to take when they have been at the frontline, with the NHS, throughout the whole pandemic,” Steve said.

“They deserve to take their foot off the gas, which they haven’t been able to do. I’m worried about officers getting burned out because they’ve had the emotional strain of the last 12 months to deal with, coupled with not having any real quality leave.

“Now they’re expected to essentially deal with the mass issues that I’m sure across the country will occur.

“Let’s face it; everyone is going to go out and enjoy a drink and enjoy socialising. The flip side is cops do this every year when there are significant events, but our officers need a break.”

Steve recognises it won’t be easy for South Yorkshire Police Chiefs and force demand planners either.

“The force is giving people correct notice periods on the whole, with a few unfortunate examples of when they haven’t,” Steve said.

“So, we welcome that, and the force is in an impossible position. But we are waiting for this perfect storm of demand which is coming.”