UK police officers remember fallen French colleagues

BOOKS of condolence for the three French police officers murdered in Paris earlier this year from their colleagues in the United Kingdom have been presented to the French Embassy.

The books document the social media #PoliceTributeToParis, where police forces across the UK held ceremonies to remember the Paris shootings in January and the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine.

They have been collated by Greater Manchester Police and will be transported and presented to the families of the three French police officers who died in January: Franck Brinsolaro, 49; Ahmed Merabet, 40; and Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 26.

Included are words and pictures of the tributes from UK officers.

PC Nigel Everett stated “Please accept heartfelt condolences to all the family, friends and colleagues of the 17 victims of [the] tragic event in Paris. Words cannot express the sadness we feel for the loss of journalists, police officers and innocent shoppers and staff. Our thoughts are with you in this tragic and difficult time.”

The three books were presented by Greater Manchester Police Federation to the French Embassy on Wednesday 19 August.

Greater Manchester Police Federation Chairman Ian Hanson said: “The police family were shocked to witness the attacks in Paris and our thoughts remain with the families of our fallen colleagues.

“As we in Greater Manchester sadly know all too well, police officers go to work every day never knowing the dangers they may face – and sadly these French colleagues paid the ultimate sacrifice in trying to protect the public.

“Hopefully this small show of support shows how those fallen officers remain in our thoughts.”

The books include a letter to each of the families from Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy in French.

It states: “The police family of the United Kingdom salute the courage of our French colleagues.

“We know that the memory of such a tragedy never fades, the flames never go out. In the aftermath of the attacks the police forces organised ceremonies of remembrance and solidarity.

“We ask that you accept this album as a sign of our deep sympathy.”

After the attacks, he said: “We stand in solidarity and express our great sympathy for their families and friends.”