Police Pay Review Body to be introduced in 2014

THE Home Secretary has confirmed the Home Office’s intention to implement a Police Pay Review Body in 2014, subject to Parliamentary approval.

A Pay Review Body will spell an end to the “independent” protection police officers currently have when negotiating their pay and conditions.

The matter had been out for consultation.

Pay and conditions for police officers in England and Wales are currently determined by the Home Secretary following negotiations between interested parties and, if needed, arbitration.

The pay review body would consider evidence from the government, police officers of all ranks, police and crime commissioners and other interested parties.

Unlike the current process, a Home Office statement said it ”would also carry out its own research to gain first-hand knowledge about the issue ahead of making a recommendation to the Home Secretary.”

It is understood that the people sitting on the Pay Review Body would be appointed by the Government.

The move to axe the Police Negotiating Board follows on from recommendations in Tom Winsor’s review of police pay and conditions.

Steve Williams, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “The unique employment status of police officers was a significant consideration when the Police Negotiating Board – the current negotiating machinery – including the system of arbitration, was established following the recommendations of the Edmund-Davies Committee.

“A key principle of Edmund-Davies was that police officers’ pay and conditions of service should be determined by collective-bargaining with appropriate safeguards, due to their unique status and an inability to take industrial action.

“While the Police Federation of England and Wales does not welcome the announcement, we will engage fully with the pay review body once it is established, to ensure the interests of the officers we represent are best served by the new arrangements.”