Federation reminds officers to take time away from work to look after own wellbeing

HOLIDAYS may be off the agenda right now, but it’s vital officers still take annual leave when they can to give themselves a proper break.

South Yorkshire Police Federation says the continuing lockdown and the demands of the job can take a real toll on officers’ mental wellbeing.

One way of helping to combat that is to try and get some all-important time off, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said.

“It’s critical officers look after themselves,” he said.

“In the pandemic, people haven’t been able to have holidays and go to the places they want, I understand that, and that’s a frustration.

“We all want to be seeing the sun again and having holidays and returning to normality, but what officers must do is still take your leave and take some time away even if you are at home or only able to exercise in the local vicinity.

“It’s essential to be able to switch off. The demands of policing mean many people do overtime, but it’s the collective effect of having so much work and not having a release with it coupled with the negativity of where we are.

“The negativity of the situation has a massive impact on people’s mental health, so people need to find time to have that escape from the workplace and turn their computers off, turn their laptops off and if necessary turn their phones off and get away from it.

“Put Netflix on, that’s my idea.”

Help is at hand for officers, Steve said, should they feel they are struggling with their mental health wellbeing.

“In the force, we have Backup Buddy which is the wellbeing app,” he said.

“Officers can go on to our website and see what’s available and there are services through the Federation and through group insurance members if people feel that they needed to speak to someone.

“These things can be accessed 24/7.”