Detectives: Recruitment and retention is still a big issue in South Yorkshire

RECRUITMENT and retention of staff in CID is still a “big issue”, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said, and more needs to be done to encourage officers to train as detectives.

DC Christian Borum said that being a detective was “the most rewarding career” but that the lack of recognition and appropriate levels of pay was “demoralising”.

This month the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is focusing on the issues that detectives face, and the trauma that comes with the role. They are often dealing with high-risk and high-stress cases, while being understaffed.

Christian said: “It’s a national problem, but the recruitment and retention of staff is the big issue. How do we get people into CID?”

He continued: “I sometimes feel that CID gets overlooked. It’s the backstop for all the jobs that come in and what’s considered serious and complex will be left with CID. Reactive CID, for example, is picking up all kinds of work that doesn’t qualify to go to the major incident team – murders, firearms incidents, serious assaults, organised crime – and they’re left carrying a lot of risk.

“There’s certainly a feeling that CID feel undervalued.”

Christian said that there must be a national drive to incentivise more officers to train as detectives, but admitted that cash bonuses were “divisive”. He added that in South Yorkshire, he would “like to see a a bespoke Trainee Detective programme within the force”.

He said: “South Yorkshire Police has incentivised certain areas, certainly with Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP), with a cash bonus for officers, which is good and they need to be rewarded, but then that in itself can be slightly divisive because it leaves out a lot of other officers who are carrying the same sort of workloads and risk and should be seen equally.

“I recognise that the cash bonus can be paid out for “hard to fill” roles with retentions and attraction issues under the regulations rather than it being in recognition of workload and risk but one leads to the other.”

The fact that detectives need to invest in their careers and take exams means there should be more incentives, he said.

There was “no encouragement” from the force to go for detective roles, Christian pointed out, whereas “there’s certainly no discouragement to go for promotion to Sergeant or Inspector roles. There’s financial reward, the responsibility, the opportunity to progress and nurture and develop a career.”

He continued: “You’ve got a stagnant and demoralised workforce within CID. More and more officers have been sent towards PVP, a lot of them against their desire because of the nature of the work with little opportunity to move roles allowing development other than being funneled into PVP.

A better training structure would also help, so that trainee detectives get the support they need. Christian said: “We need a better structure within CID. I know we’re recruiting locally with civilians. I just think in house we need a better structure to link in with our training departments.”

He added that more people needed to be convinced of the benefits of being a detective. He said: “It is the most rewarding career. You are dealing with real victims of crime and the impact it has on them and their families. To get the matter to court and to support them all the way and to get a positive result in court has got to be the most rewarding thing and why we join the police.

“But we need to encourage police officers to become detectives and I think we need to have a joined-up approach with that and make it worthwhile, and make it bespoke. We’d like a bespoke tutoring and mentoring programme for trainee investigators. They can become accomplished detectives and we can set the model. The Government is investing in more officers and obviously that gives us more opportunity to recruit detectives.

He added that if any detective was struggling to cope with their mental health, they should contact the Federation, which can direct them to counselling services.