All constables passing threshold test should have top pay

ALL constables will have the ability to access the top point of their pay scale if they pass the relevant threshold test following representations to the Home Office, the Police Federation has said.

Andy Fittes, general secretary, told the Federation’s annual conference last month that an agreement had been reached, through the Police Negotiating Board, to ensure the specialist testing should be open to all who choose to take it. 

The Winsor report had inisitally stipulated it should only be available to those with specialist skills. The Federation met a number of other “significant successes” for officers, the body said.

All officers will be entitled to performance-related increments in their pay, thanks to Federation representations. Under Winsor, this would have only applied to fixed proportions of high-achieving officers – even if all officers were performing strongly. The Federation had argued this was unfair.

The Federation has said it will work with the College of Policing to develop work-based assessments more relevant to the role of officers – as opposed to the traditional exam-style format recommended by Winsor.

Mr Fittes (pictured) said: “The College of Policing has produced a model for assessment. It will not be a formal testing process as envisaged by Winsor, but instead will be based largely on normal continuous development activity. The tests will be work-based assessments based on an analysis of job requirements.

The scheme design is still in the pilot stage and there will be clearer indication of the effectiveness of the scheme from the beginning of next year.

The changes made to pay and conditions represented a “steep learning curve for all”, Mr Fittes added.

He said: “This year has seen significant changes to the way that the Police Federation has been required to engage in pay and conditions, and it has been a steep learning curve for us all. It’s been a challenging year but we’ve acted in what we believe to be the best interests of members to ensure that new measures introduced are as fair and reasonable as possible.”

The Federation has a seat on the new Scheme Advisory Board, which will advise the Home Secretary on the efficient operation of the police pension schemes. The Federation’s involvement on the board ensures that “officers receive the best service possible”, Mr Fittes said.

Discussing pensions, Mr Fittes explained that, although the Federation does not have the right to negotiate on officer pensions, there had been a number of successes. These include improved protection for the benefits officers have accrued; an extension for members to transfer into the new pension schemes; extension of the buy-back scheme for unpaid leave; and successfully pressuring the government to drop its proposal to raise the minimum pension age to 57 in 2028 for police schemes.

On the newly introduced CARE 2015 scheme for officers’ pensions, Mr Fittes said: “Although we never supported the changes to the pension schemes, officers need to provide for their retirement. I remain convinced that the scheme is a good deal for officers; better than those they could access privately.”