Sergeant Pay Scale Changes Will Help Recruitment

THE changes to Sergeants’ pay scales are positive, as they reflect the rank’s responsibilities and attract people into the role, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

The Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) agreed that the lowest pay point on the Sergeants’ pay scale would be removed; the changes came into effect on 1 September this year. This means there is now a larger gap between Constables’ top pay and Sergeants’ lowest pay.

There have been difficulties nationwide in recruiting Sergeants, with many officers put off by the relatively low pay compared with the steps they would need to take to attain the higher rank.

Chair Steve Kent said the situation was the same in South Yorkshire: “We are seeing numbers of applicants for Sergeants drop. At the moment, I think being a Sergeant is probably one of the hardest jobs in the force. They’re under unbelievable pressure.

“Our force is looking at empowering Sergeants more, which is all very welcome, but pay comes into it. Officers aren’t just motivated by money, but they can think: ‘Well if I get promoted nothing really changes, my money doesn’t change. What’s the point? What do I want that stress for?’.

“This money gives them that visual step. It recognises that the rank has a lot more responsibility to it, and more decision-making. So it has to be a positive step.”

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) said it welcomes this change between the pay scales as it is a positive way of encouraging career progression.