Speak Up About Financial Problems

OFFICERS shouldn’t be afraid of getting in touch with their Federation Rep if they have financial difficulties this Christmas or any other time, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

The latest Pay and Morale Survey found that 29% of South Yorkshire Police officers who responded reported worrying about the state of their personal finances every day or almost every day. Meanwhile 4% of respondents reported never or almost never having enough money to cover all their essentials.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is focusing on the issues of debt and financial wellbeing this month, and it has joined with PayPlan to record a video for officers about managing their money and the help and support that’s available. Officers can watch the video here.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair, Steve Kent, said: “Don’t be afraid to get in touch with one of your Reps or us at the office. We have financial advisors who can give initial free advice and steer people in the right direction without any extra cost to the officers.

“It’s very frustrating with the pay freeze coming up. These are difficult financial times for officers, with police pay not being as good as it should be.

“Officers just need to step forward, speak to one of the reps or come and speak to us at the office and we can always put you in touch with somebody. It’s not a problem and it’s not uncommon, so it’s certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. I think most people go through money troubles at some point in their lives, so we’re here to help.”