South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman’s Christmas Message

IT’S been a very demanding year in terms of the psychological demand on our officers and the public. It’s been a unique year, but we’re hoping that there’s a much brighter future ahead.

We’ve had two really sad incidents this year, with PC Matt Lannie and PC Stephen Jackson passing away, and we will remember them. I’m sure we would all like to pay our respects to these officers.

I would also like to thank all our officers for working so hard, and I hope they stay safe out there. We have seen an increase in assaults on officers over the past year because of lockdown, it’s been quite clear to see.

But the future is bright in terms of the Covid-19 vaccine, and by the time we get to the spring I hope we’re in a different place completely.

And there’s also a light at the end of the tunnel with all the new officers who are coming in. Yes, they’re going to take a while to bed in, but it should help ease the difficulties we’ve had in force and the restrictions we’ve had on our size.

I hope everyone has a relaxing and happy Christmas and manages to see their loved ones, either in person, with social distancing, or virtually. Here’s to a happier 2021.

Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation