Pay Freeze Is A ‘Betrayal Of Police’

THE Government’s police pay freeze is a “betrayal of policing and a slap in the face”, according to South Yorkshire Police Federation.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a public sector pay freeze for all workers outside the NHS – apart from those on less than £24,000, who will get a pay rise of at least £250.

This comes on the back of years of austerity pay freezes. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) said police pay is already around 18% below where it should be.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said: “I think quite simply this is a betrayal to policing and a slap in the face.

“I absolutely understand the need for financial constraint in the coming years, but the NHS has quite rightly been recognised for the work that they’ve done in tackling this pandemic, and they’ve been protected.

“To then exclude policing from that is ignorant at best and it is tantamount to betrayal at worst, because our officers have been at the frontline of this just as much as anybody.

“They have not been able to stay at home. They’ve had to come out there and the officers have worked exceptionally hard the past six months doing absolutely crazy hours. The fact that they’re not going to be recognised for this next year is absolutely appalling.”

Steve added: “Let’s not forget here, if this was off the back of consistent 2, 3, 4% pay rises, I think officers would probably be more willing to accept this as a one-off. But we’ve just lost 18% in our pay in the last decade for something that was no fault of our own, and now it’s happening again.”

He said “a lot of demoralised officers” had contacted him and added that he is writing to every South Yorkshire MP, “asking very strongly for their support of officers”.

PFEW Chairman John Apter said the pay freeze did “nothing to show appreciation to police officers and other public sector workers who have kept the wheels turning during 2020”.

He added: “We are realists; we know that the country is facing a difficult economic future. But rewarding those who have played a vital role in the fight against the virus with a pay freeze is nothing short of a disgrace.”