Senior police officers asked to pitch in for fundraising forks

SENIOR officers from across the UK are being asked to fill their police stations with forks to help boost morale – and raise cash for COPS.

The popular social media site Bullshire Police Federation is asking officers above the inspector rank to buy 12 forks for use at their police stations – and donate £5 to the charity at the same time. The initiative has already attracted the support of a number of commanding officers.

Taking part to date include Lynne Owens, Chief Constable of Surrey Police; Simon Cole, Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary; Irene Curtis, President of the Superintendents’ Association; and Garry Forsyth, Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police.

After donating the forks and money, they are then being asked to nominate two other senior officers.

The Chairman of Bullshire Police Federation said the campaign is helping senior officers “boost morale amongst the troops”.

He added: “It is impossible to find a fork in any police station. We have officers eating dinner with a spoon at best – and that’s if you are lucky enough to eat.

“Officers are loving the campaign. It’s great to raise morale and to raise awareness of Care of Police Survivors – and some money for the charity.”

The Federation estimates that at the time of writing more than 100 forks have been donated to police stations. “I would like to fill every nick with forks,” added the chairman.

The Twitter hashtag for the campaign is #wtfork. You can see more on the campaign at