Shake up service’s rank structure, says College of Policing

THE College of Policing wants to review the policing rank structure, and recognise and reward “advance practitioners”.

The organisation has produced an interim review into police leadership, where it “outlines the steps needed to equip future police leaders for a different and challenging future”. In this review it spells out how fewer ranks but more reward for those that seek professional development could be the future for policing. In 10 recommendations, it also calls for “a structure of entry, exit and re-entry points to allow career flexibility”.

Speaking about the current rank structure, the College stated: “The number of levels in policing may need to be reduced as we move towards policing based on greater levels of practitioner autonomy and expertise.

“This will enable and encourage greater empowerment of officers and staff. While starting with police officer ranks, the same approach should be applied to police staff tiers and grades.

“The College will support such a review, creating an evidence base for how rank reduction might be achieved successfully and permanently.

“This recommendation will require the Home Office and forces to work with the College to ensure consistency.”

On professional development, it added: “The College will design and support opportunities for professional development to ensure professional expertise and leadership are rewarded and recognised.

“The College will set criteria for advanced practitioners within policing as a whole, not just in ‘traditional’ specialist roles.

“The criteria will be equally applicable to officers and staff, providing a lateral pathway that offers reward and recognition for advanced skills and knowledge, and for those who play a substantial role in developing the evidence base of policing and who help to develop others in their roles.

“We recommend that the Home Office should consider what amendments to pay and conditions are required to allow professional expertise to be appropriately recognised and rewarded.”

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