Further cuts could ‘irreparably damage’ the police service

THE British police service is set to be “irreparably damaged and changed forever” if further cuts are made to the policing budget.

Steve White, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, has written to every prospective parliamentary candidate to outline his fears ahead of the General Election.

Mr White wrote: “We have a duty, on behalf of those officers we represent and the public we serve, to raise our grave concern that the quality of service we are able to provide to the public is already under immense strain.

“We have a genuine fear that any future cuts to the police budget, or further loss of police officers, will have such a detrimental impact that the British police service will be irreparably damaged and changed forever. Importantly though, so too will our ability to protect and serve all our communities effectively.”

Writing on behalf of 124,000 police officers from the 43 forces in England and Wales, Mr White explained that the police service cannot take any more cuts. He called on politicians to take note of the “admirable” #CutsHaveConsequences campaigns going on around the country and to speak out about unprecedented cuts.

In the past four years the police service has lost nearly 17,000 police officers and approximately 22,000 police support staff. The number of police officers per head of population is lower than at any time in the past 20 years.

Mr White told politicians: “The service is at breaking point. It is only the goodwill of officers that is allowing the service to survive. That is why this message to you today is abundantly clear. You can make a difference to the safety of your community.

“You can ensure that you speak out against any further cuts. You can ensure that you speak up for policing and the protection of your constituency. You really can make a difference to ensure that the British police service, the can-do service that your constituents want, the service that will always turn out wherever and however it is needed, a service admired and replicated throughout the world, is not consigned to the history books.”

To read the letter in full, go to: http://www.polfed.org/documents/Parliamentary_letter_240315.pdf